Monday, March 19, 2012

AISD, Laura Willcox

1.  The district will seek funding and equipment from outside sources through grants and donations.

The district will review its technology plan yearly and stay up to date with E-rate funding.

E-Rate is a current method of funding which my district receives funds through.
“Based on the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the FCC created the E-Rate program to provide schools and libraries affordable access to advanced telecommunications services. This program provides discounts ranging from 20% to 90% on Telecommunications Services, Internet Access, Internal Connections, and Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections to eligible schools and libraries subject to a $2.25 billion annual cap.” (TPESC, n.d.)
Grants are available to many organizations. In order to be eligible they typically fall into these categories:
Government Organizations
  • State Governments
  • Local Governments
  • City or Township Governments
  • Special District Governments
  • Native American Tribal Governments (federally recognized)
  • Native American Tribal Governments (other than federally recognized)

Education Organizations
  • Independent School Districts
  • Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
  • Private Institutions of Higher Education

Public Housing Organizations
  • Public Housing Authorities
  • Indian Housing Authorities

Non-Profit Organizations
  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
  • Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
For-Profit Organizations (other than small businesses)

Small Businesses
Small business loans and small business grants may be awarded to companies that meet the size standards that the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has established for most industries in the economy. The most common size standards are as follows:
  • 500 employees for most manufacturing and mining industries
  • 100 employees for all wholesale trade industries
  • $6 million for most retail and service industries
  • $28.5 million for most general & heavy construction industries
  • $12 million for all special trade contractors
  • $0.75 million for most agricultural industries” (

2.  AISD currently uses Skyward to manage student and financial data.

Skyward coordinates with the states mandated reports:

Student Reports
Finance Reports
PEIMS Summer/Submission 3
PEIMS Submission 1
PEIMS Extended/Submission 4
PEIMS Mid-Year Submission 2
PEIMS Fall/Submission 1
TRS Reporting and Query System (TRAQS)
TREx Reporting
New Hire Report
AEIS - IT Class Roster Report
Quarterly Federal Tax Return 941 Report
Attendance Verification Report
Unemployment Tax Quarterly Report
December 1 Count
Staff Salary Data
Direct Certification
Service Records Report
End of Course Exam Report
Department of Public Safety Report
Food Service Accuclaim Report
PEIMS Summer Submission 3
Hearing Screening Report
Federal CRDC - Civil Rights Data Collection
Pass/Fail Credit Report
3rd Party Retirement Plan Reporting in Gatekeeper, CPI, TSA Consulting, & ING formats
PET Pupil Enrollment Tracking System
Scoliosis Screening Report
SDAA Precoding
TAKS Assessment Precoding
TELPAS Precoding File
Texas Attendance Daily Register
Texas Honor Roll
Annual Report of Immunization Status
Vision Screening Report
Hurricane Indicator Export

The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) encompasses all data requested and received by TEA about public education, including student demographic and academic performance, personnel, financial, and organizational information.

TREx is the Texas Records Exchange system that enables electronic transfers of student records and transcripts to other districts or institutions of higher education.

How is PEIMS data used?

Data collected through PEIMS is used by several TEA programs to create reports including the following:
(TEA, n.d.)

Having a management systems which coordinates with the reports required by TEA, makes it a whole lot easier for office staff to submit the information.

3. For E-Rate funding the administration must submit the required information in order to receive the funds. For grants, in our district, permission must be bestowed by the superintendent prior to applying for the grant. Then submission of the grant may proceed and it is up to the grant holding organization as to if the funds will be dispersed.

As for the management software, teachers, staff, and administrators must be trained how to use Skyward. Depending on the how the individual will be using the system, will determine the training they will receive. Staff dealing will PEIMS data will learn a different side of Skyward than teachers vs. administrators who also learn a different side as well. Teachers input data that deals with grades and attendance. Administrators can do scheduling and student management. Therefore, a variety of training will be needed. - Who is Eligible for a Grant?. (n.d.). - Home. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from

Texas Education Agency - Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). (n.d.). Texas Education Agency - Welcome. Retrieved March 19, 2012, from
Texas. (n.d.). Skyward, Inc - School Administration Software. Retrieved March 19, 2012, from

TPESC. (n.d.) E-rate. Retrieved from:


  1. PEIMS is a widely used management system - the the business aspect of the school. Most people don't look at a achool as a business but clearly in several aspects it is just that.

    1. That is why we have a "Business Manager". She is responsible for all of the financial aspects of the district.

  2. I found a interesting site:
    this sites helps out with E-rate information. It also has a petition to help increase funding. For 2012 they attencipate 4 billion dollars will be requested.

  3. You bullets on the PEIMS data was really eye opening to me! I have never understood what PEIMS is for and it makes so much more sense now! I see why it is important to schools and why it is such a strict set of operations. I was never aware that PEIMS is so involved in all those different areas! Thank you for the information!
