Monday, March 19, 2012

HearneISD-Elementary Marlise Golden

1.            Develop strategies for funding.

Goal 3: Staff computer lab with highly qualified teacher(s) on the elementary campus to teach TEKS objectives (k-6) for Technology.
  • Determine a need for  a computer lab teacher
  • Analyze the current budget to determine if funds are available to hire a new teacher for the 2012-2013 school year
  • Reduce spending in non-core subject areas such as athletics to allocate funds for additional staff
  • Research for Technology Grants that fit the needs of the district and apply for them.   TEA Grant Opportunities site is a central resource for and link to all State and Federal grant opportunities administered by TEA. Grant management, administrative guidance, and other resources can be found at TEA Grant Resources.
Goal 4: Provide adequate technology professional development for all staff
  • Develop basic step by step tutorials for commonly used software and or devices at the local level to use minimal funds
  • Create a technology communication system for Q&A for teachers to use daily for immediate responses for assistance with minor problems from other staff members and technical support.  Free/inexpensive web based programs can be used to implement staff daily communication tools.
  • Develop and plan more advanced trainings for new and old technology devices
  • Provide activities with strategies during technology staff development to ensure new teachers are able to meet the standards for the STaR Chart.

2.            Develop strategies for management plans.
Goal 2: Develop a Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan 

Create a technology plan committee which will include professional staff from each campus,  curriculum director, technology specialist, principals, and business office personal
The committee will assess the technology needs of the district to create goals and objectives to meet the needs of all students
The committee will develop a Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan that will enhance learning through the technology applications curriculum based on the NETS S. and ISTE performance indicators

The technology applications curriculum has six strands based on the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S) and performance indicators developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE): creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts. (Texas Education Agency, 2011)

3.       Describe the required procedures for the proposed strategies.

Goal 3: Staff computer lab with highly qualified teacher(s) on the elementary campus to teach TEKS objectives (k-6) for Technology. 
  • Gather data to support the need for the position
  • Use the newly created technology plan to justify the skills that need to be taught in a computer lab setting
  • Create a proposal to submit to the school board
  • Present information/evidence

Goal 4: Provide adequate technology professional development for all staff

  • Develop quality professional development sessions for in-service days by using competent faculty and staff to cut cost.
  • Create interactive tutorials for widely used software and hardware and place on campus/district website
  • Purchase SimSchool to create simulations for new teachers or teachers who struggle with behavioral management or other issues that can be simulated to help improve the function of the classroom

Goal 2: Develop a Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan

  • Organize a committee
    • Curriculum director
    • Technology Specialist
    • Instructional Technologist
    • Business Manager
    • Teachers
    • Principals
  • Analyze the needs of the district by campuses
  • Create a budget that will adequately meet all the needs 
    • equipment
    • staff
    • software
    • initial training
    • continued professional development
  • Create goals and objectives that are measurable
  • Implement the plan at a reasonable time (beginning of new fiscal school year 2012-2013)
  • Monitor the progress of the plan after implementation 

Funding and Management - Searight

Strategies for Funding and Management

1.         Develop strategies for funding.

At McLennan Community College I would focus on the following funding opportunities: State of Texas and Federal Grant opportunities, Institutional (MCC) Requested Technology funds and Institutional Foundation funds.  I would work closely with the Director of Resource Development at MCC to identify and apply for state, local and federal grant dollars that might enhance administrative and instructional technology.  The Technology Committee at MCC approves projects based on the budget process at MCC.  I’m currently a member of this committee and therefore I would work closely with committee members to make good decision, to enhance innovations at MCC.  I will schedule additional meetings with the Executive Director of the MCC Foundation to identify possible funds through the Foundation office that might be used for technology.  We recently had a donor that gave money to the Foundation office, strictly for technology.  We identified and funded projects within the “requested technology budget” which obviously helped the overall requested technology budget.  I will make “funding” a major part of the strategic planning and unit level process for the Information Systems and Service.  This will put a bigger emphasis on the funding and budgeting process for requested and required technology.  

2.         Develop strategies for management plans.

            Management Plan Strategies:
·       Generate requested and required technology budget reports for every department at MCC.
·       Generate technology replacement/upgrade information for every department MCC (yearly).
·       Generate an approved requested and required technology budget for every department at MCC (yearly).
·       Provide and online mechanism and workflow process for users to request new technologies for their departments.
·       Give budget heads access to the ISS Technology SharePoint site.  This site will store budget and inventory information related to institutional technology.
·       Develop and provide Professional Development opportunities to explain the budget process and the technology request process.
·       Provide opportunities for instructional and administrative areas to give input related to the strategic plan, unit level plan, and technology plan.
·       Expand the Technology Committee to include students and faculty.

3.         Describe the required procedures for the proposed strategies.
·       Communicate the process to ALL of our users.
·       Develop and implement professional develop opportunities to train users on the procedures.
·       Develop and implement an online professional development course to train users on the procedures.
·       Develop and online budget request form and process for ALL users.
·       Develop and communicate an official guideline that outlines the budgeting process, budget request process, budget revision process, and budget allocation process.
·       Develop an official technology replacement/upgrade cycle for the entire campus.  Users should know when they are getting a new computer, iPad, printer, or notebook. 
·       Communicate technology needs and the campus technology plan to the Board for potential funding increases to the requested and required technology budgets.
·       Include students, faculty and staff in the process of developing these required procedures.
·       Communicate ALL aspects of technology planning and purchasing.

SACS. (2006). Southern association of colleges and schools. Retrieved from

THECB. (2009). Strategic plan for texas public community colleges 2009 - 2013. Retrieved from

TCCTA, (2011). Texas Community College Teachers Association. Retrieved from

Beaumont ISD, Joy Schwartz

Develop strategies for funding and management
Review the required reading documents - the Funding, and Management resources; then provide the input for your institution as the following required topic.
Discussion STEP 6: (Submit a minimum of 3 sentences for each question. References are required. Due by 3/19.)
1.  Develop strategies for funding.
Beaumont ISD applies for an E-rate grant for technology funding each year.  This is a great way for school districts to provide technology and services to their schools and students.  This grant was created by the FCC to provide schools and libraries affordable access to advanced telecommunication services.  Discounts ranging from 20% to 90% are awarded to districts for telecommunication services, internet access, internal connections and basic maintenance of internal connections. (TPESC, 2012)
In addition to this particular grant, the district has teams and grant writers who are continually seeking other avenues for technology money.
Each campus will allocate a percentage of their budget for the purchase and maintenance of technology equipment and services, as well as provide training for teachers and staff.  This will vary from campus to campus depending on the number of students as well as the number of teachers and staff.  
The district has a contract in which they lease computers and replace them every four years.  In addition to this contract, a more defined relationship between BISD and Lamar University should be established.  The district already is allowed to select, free of charge, any furniture or equipment the university is discarding.  This partnership however could be stronger and broader.  
2.  Develop strategies for management plans.
Beaumont ISD utilizes several different pieces of software for management within the district.  One piece, Prologic Technology Systems’ Total Education Administrative Management Solution (TEAMS), is used by all departments within the district and by parents as well.  This provides a hub for students grades, attendance, as well as teachers and staff contracts and substitute system.  Human resources as well as the business departments use this web-based software on a daily basis.  (Prologic, 2012)
Eduphoria is another software package used within the district.  It used by teachers to track or monitor test scores of students (standardized and local tests).  Administrators use the software for reporting feedback from walk throughs as well as processing and reporting PDAS components for teachers.  Plans within our district are currently being put into place to utilize Eduphoria for even more purposes (such as transferring 504 student data from school year to school year, registering for professional development opportunities, and writing lesson plans).  (Eduphoria, 2012)
CSCOPE is a third management software package Beaumont ISD uses.  CSCOPE is a comprehensive, customizable, user-friendly curriculum management system built on the most current research-based practices in the field. (CSCOPE, 2012) The district just implemented this web-based curriculum this school year.  The use of this software is two-fold for the district.  One use is to better prepare students for a more rigorous test such as the STAAR tests or EOC exams.  A second use to better unify all curriculum within the district and ensure the same material is being taught and tested on comparable levels and campuses.  
3.  Describe the required procedures for the proposed strategies.
For the district to continue to receive the e-rate grant each year the district must reapply.  Within their application the school district must submit a technology plan for the district and this must be approved by TEA.  The plan must clear and realistic strategies for using telecommunication and information technology to improve the educational process, as well as including professional development strategies.  A current assessment of all services, hardware and software must be included as well.  The district must also submit a financial plan to show a sufficient budget for acquiring and supporting non-discounted elements of the plan, and an evaluation process to monitor progress. (TPESC, 2012)
For the other grants, the district grant writing team will seek out and follow TEA’s guidelines.  Each grant has different requirements and different components.  Some possible grants available are: American Reinvestment and Recovery Act,Carl D. Perkins, No Child Left Behind, School Improvement Program,  Statewide Longitudinal Data System LEA Grant, Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 – Rural Low Income School Program, Life Skills Parenting Program, Optional Extended Year Program, Prekindergarten Early Start (PKES) Tier 2, Year 2, Special Education, Student Clubs Grant, Cycle 2, and Student Success Initiative Program  (SSI). (TEA, 2012)
Each campus within the Beaumont ISD has a CEIC committee comprised of teachers, administrators, parents, and community members.  This committee needs to work closely with the principal to make sure the budget allows for purchasing and maintaining technology, and the training of teachers to better implement technology within the classroom.  Teachers need to communicate to their committee members as well as their principals any technology needs they foresee on the campus.  
To strengthen the partnership with Lamar University, more research needs to be conducted so to discover the components of the current relationship.  Also, the district needs to research existing relationships between other universities and colleges and school districts.  By conducting this research a model or proposal can be developed to share with Lamar.  Also, by researching existing partnerships, the district can provide supporting data (if it exists) to show improvement in the educational process within local public schools and universities.  
CSCOPE.  (2012).  Retrieved on March 19, 2012 from
Eduphoria! (2012).  School Objects.  Retrieved on March 19, 2012 from
Prologic Technology Systems, Inc. (2012). TEAMS.  Retrieved on March 19, 2012, from
TEA Grant Resources. 2012. Retrieved on March 19, 2012 from
TPESC. (2012). E-rate. Retrieved on March 19, 2012, from:

CFISD Kristina Coen

·      Goal: Provide school district staff with opportunities to learn how to appropriately integrate technology as a tool utilizing collaborative, interactive and customized learning environments in an effort to achieve the Target Tech level in the Texas STaR Chart.

Strategies for Funding:
  • Reassign current Instructional Technology Specialists on staff to a single campus location. Also, reassign all Curriculum Technology Coaches to a single campus as well and convert their title to Instructional Technology Specialists in order to support the goal of allowing a campus based technology facilitator to be available for each campus. Since the district is very large additional campus technology specialists will need to be hired over the next two years until all campuses have one technology specialist on staff.
  • Technology Training Specialist will recruit staff across the district to provide and receive professional development. This individual will also maintain and updated professional development catalog for all employees seeking technology training.
  • Director of Technology Instruction will negotiated with district leaderships incentives opportunities for teachers to attend technology professional development such as “Early Release” Passes and Free lunch coupons.
  • Create partnerships with neighboring school districts and universities in other to share professional development costs or to offer a professional development fair
Strategies for Management:
  • Hire a technology facilitator for each campus to assist the Director of Instructional Technology
  • Technology Training Specialist responsible for accountability of training
  • Establish district level team to research and write grants in order to seek out additional funding for professional development.

Describe the Required Procedures for Proposed Strategies

·      Review and seriously evaluate all campus budgets in order to find funding to provide a campus technology facilitator. Shuffle already existing employees into this position when possible.
  •  Director of Instructional Technology request the hiring of a campus Technology Facilitator to the Superintendent and School Board Members. 
  • Director of Instructional Technology will request the Superintendent and School Board the ability to create incentives for the staff.
  •  The district Technology Training Specialist and Director of Instructional Technology will recruit staff members to present technology trainings. Offering school board approved incentives for example “Early Release” Passes and Free lunch coupons. 
  • District Technology Training Specialist, Campus Technology Facilitator and Campus Administrators will document technology professional development and report it quarterly reports to the Director of Instructional Technology.  
  •  The District Technology Coordinator and campus coordinator will establish a grant research and writing committee to assist in the funding of technology for the district.  In addition, the Partners in Education office work with local businesses and donors for funding technology.
  •    The District Technology Training Specialist will continue to apply for E-Rate.

·      Goal:  Provide an infrastructure system that allows all users 24/7 access to all e-learning opportunities and provide technical assistance to support instructional and administrative needs to achieve the Advanced or Target Tech level in the Texas STaR Chart.

Strategies for Funding:
  • Using survey data and STaR chart information Campus Administrators will differentiate the needs and wants of their staff.
  • Recycle old hardware for money- since items like copper can be harvested from old machinery the money recaptured will be awarded toward the purchasing of newer hardware.
  • Grant Committee will research and write grants
  • Tap the resources available with the Partners in Education Office in order to seek support from local corporations and private donors
  • Apply for E-Rate

Strategies for Management
  • Using survey data and STaR chart information Campus Administrators will differentiate the needs of their staff and share findings at District Technology Meetings.
  • Tech Department will continue to complete routine maintenance on computers to keep these functioning at optimal performance
  • The need of new computers will be reviewed by the District Technology Committee and each need will be prioritized
  • New Technology applications will be reviewed by the District Technology Training Specialist
  • District level grant committee will apply for grants for various technology application, hardware, and trainings.
  • Grant Committee will also provide campus level support in order to expand opportunities for teacher accessibility to grant funding.
  • Partners in Education Office will inquire local corporations and private donors for technology support
  • The Technology Training Specialist will apply for E-Rate assistance. 


Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Technology Plan. (2011, March 1). Retrieved February 25, 2012, from Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District:
E-rate. (2012).  E-rate Information.  Retrieved on February 29, 2012 from

ISTE. (2011). The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T). Retrieved March 5, 2012, from:

 TEA (2012). TEA grant opportunity calendar. Retrieved  March 19, 2012, from


Katy ISD- Ashley Peabody, WEEK 8

Develop strategies for funding, management plans, and  describe procedures for proposed strategies.

GOAL 1: Engage students by integrating technology into all aspects of the curriculum and learning

environments (classrooms, libraries, homes and communities).

"Effective teachers model and apply the NETS·S as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to
engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students,
colleagues, and the community. All teachers should meet the following standards and performance
indicators" (ISTE, 2011),
  • Funding:
    • Balance the budget set aside for technology in order to provide students and teachers with the necessary tools to succeed in the classroom
    • Grant teams research and write grants relating to training teachers on how to effectively implement different types of technology into the classroom.
    • Pair schools with their sister school to trade different technology ideas.
    • Research different types of paid and free training.
    • Research different tools to implement technology in students home and in the community.
    • Purchase different technology to implement technology into the home, libraries, homes, and community. This would include computers, computer programs, smart boards, and other various tools.
  • Management Plan:
    • Implement a variety of different software and technology tools such as: audio software, videosoftware, graphic software, and web design. Provide teachers with the necessary training on how to use each program.
    •  Provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and classroom strategies to integrate and
      emerge technology into teaching.
    • Require teachers to attend 12 hours of technology training every school year. 
    • Administrators oversee the implication of technology into the classroom on their campus.
    • Research different ways to utilize technology at every students home. If students do not have access to computers, provide students with other options.
  •  Procedures for Proposed Strategies:
    1. 2011-2012 school year Katy ISD will administer the surveys, STaR chart, and other assessments will be given to administrators and staff to assess how comfortable and familiar they are with the implementing technology. They will also look at the professional development available. They will look at all these factors to determine the needs of the staff and how effective the different types training were and what trainings should they provide for the next school year.
    2. Determine  the needs of students and teachers in order to integrate technology into all aspects of learning and their environments. The district will send home a questionnaire with students to see what type of technology is available. Based off the information the district and individual schools can determine how to efficiently integrate technology and what additional services needed to be provided to students who do not have access to technology at home.
    3. First it is important to research and utilize the different programs the. district has already purchased. Then the district needs to train teachers and implement the different technology tools into the classroom such as: audio software, video software, graphic software, and web design. It is crucial that teachers understand how to implement the tools effectively. Teachers can use the programs to teach students and/or to use as an assessment. Is it improtant that teachers get creative to promote students creativity with technology (ISTE, 2011).
    4.  Every school in Katy ISD has a sister school. Sister schools will meet with each other twice a year to share different ideas and programs they are utilizing in the year. Teachers can set up appointments to observe teachers from their sister school to see how teachers at the other school are utilizing and integrating technology. This is a great way to share ideas and to see how teachers at different schools are using their resources.

      GOAL 2: Provide a technology specialist on every campus to help teachers and students with
different technology needs.

  • Funding:
      • Utilize grants to help fund the hiring of a technology specialist on every campus.
      • Manage the budget and set aside additional funds to hire

  • Management Plan:

      • Interview qualified candidates.
      • Hire a technology specialist for every campus.
      • The technology specialist will document all training given to teachers and when helping students. 
      • The specialist will monitor the usage of technology being used in the classroom by looking at teachers lesson plans and observing teachers teach.  

  • Procedures for Proposed Strategies:

      1.  Every campus for Katy ISD will be giving funding to hire a technology specialist. The funding will come from the technology budget and from grants received. 
      2.  Katy ISD administrators will interview qualified candidates to serve as a technology specialist for their background. The potential employee must have a Master’s degree in Instructional Technology and have at least three years of teaching experience.
      3. The technology specialist will train and assist teachers on their campus with different technology needs. The technology specialist will provide a survey for teachers and administrators to complete. Based off the survey will decide what areas their campus needs are.

    GOAL 3: Provide funding for a high-performance infrastructure.
    • Funding:
      • Determine the total allotment given for the Technology Budget in order to purchasing technology and maintaining a high-performance infrastructure.
      • Utilize partnerships with different companies to receive additional funding for technology.
      • Apply for grants.
      • Utilize e-rate.
    • Management Plan:
      •  Utilize grant writing teams at the district level to secure additional funding to implement and maintain technology.
      • Assemble an efficient grant writing team.
      • Research and apply for different grants on the campus and district level.

    • Procedures for Proposed Strategies: 
      1.   Additional funding can be secured by applying for grants. The grant writing team will follow the standards set by TEA to determine what grants Katy ISD is eligible for based on the information given (TEA, 2012). 
      2.  Every three years Katy ISD develops a long-term technology plan to develop a plan for their needs. In the plan the state the total amount of money they are given for technology. The planning team is responsible for dividing the money efficiently to effectively improve the technology and training of teachers. 
      3.  E-Rate is a program where public schools and charter schools can apply to receive additional discounts. In order to be qualified for E-Rate it is based off of the school district's technology long-range plan (TPSEC, 2011). Katy ISD did meet all of the requirements to use E-Rate. It is important the district fully utilizes E-Rate.

     TEA (2012). TEA grant opportunity calendar. Retrieved  March 19, 2012, from

    ISTE. (2011). The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T). Retrieved March 5, 2012, from:

    TPESC. (2011) E-rate. Retrieved March 19, 2012, from: