Monday, March 19, 2012

Beaumont ISD, Joy Schwartz

Develop strategies for funding and management
Review the required reading documents - the Funding, and Management resources; then provide the input for your institution as the following required topic.
Discussion STEP 6: (Submit a minimum of 3 sentences for each question. References are required. Due by 3/19.)
1.  Develop strategies for funding.
Beaumont ISD applies for an E-rate grant for technology funding each year.  This is a great way for school districts to provide technology and services to their schools and students.  This grant was created by the FCC to provide schools and libraries affordable access to advanced telecommunication services.  Discounts ranging from 20% to 90% are awarded to districts for telecommunication services, internet access, internal connections and basic maintenance of internal connections. (TPESC, 2012)
In addition to this particular grant, the district has teams and grant writers who are continually seeking other avenues for technology money.
Each campus will allocate a percentage of their budget for the purchase and maintenance of technology equipment and services, as well as provide training for teachers and staff.  This will vary from campus to campus depending on the number of students as well as the number of teachers and staff.  
The district has a contract in which they lease computers and replace them every four years.  In addition to this contract, a more defined relationship between BISD and Lamar University should be established.  The district already is allowed to select, free of charge, any furniture or equipment the university is discarding.  This partnership however could be stronger and broader.  
2.  Develop strategies for management plans.
Beaumont ISD utilizes several different pieces of software for management within the district.  One piece, Prologic Technology Systems’ Total Education Administrative Management Solution (TEAMS), is used by all departments within the district and by parents as well.  This provides a hub for students grades, attendance, as well as teachers and staff contracts and substitute system.  Human resources as well as the business departments use this web-based software on a daily basis.  (Prologic, 2012)
Eduphoria is another software package used within the district.  It used by teachers to track or monitor test scores of students (standardized and local tests).  Administrators use the software for reporting feedback from walk throughs as well as processing and reporting PDAS components for teachers.  Plans within our district are currently being put into place to utilize Eduphoria for even more purposes (such as transferring 504 student data from school year to school year, registering for professional development opportunities, and writing lesson plans).  (Eduphoria, 2012)
CSCOPE is a third management software package Beaumont ISD uses.  CSCOPE is a comprehensive, customizable, user-friendly curriculum management system built on the most current research-based practices in the field. (CSCOPE, 2012) The district just implemented this web-based curriculum this school year.  The use of this software is two-fold for the district.  One use is to better prepare students for a more rigorous test such as the STAAR tests or EOC exams.  A second use to better unify all curriculum within the district and ensure the same material is being taught and tested on comparable levels and campuses.  
3.  Describe the required procedures for the proposed strategies.
For the district to continue to receive the e-rate grant each year the district must reapply.  Within their application the school district must submit a technology plan for the district and this must be approved by TEA.  The plan must clear and realistic strategies for using telecommunication and information technology to improve the educational process, as well as including professional development strategies.  A current assessment of all services, hardware and software must be included as well.  The district must also submit a financial plan to show a sufficient budget for acquiring and supporting non-discounted elements of the plan, and an evaluation process to monitor progress. (TPESC, 2012)
For the other grants, the district grant writing team will seek out and follow TEA’s guidelines.  Each grant has different requirements and different components.  Some possible grants available are: American Reinvestment and Recovery Act,Carl D. Perkins, No Child Left Behind, School Improvement Program,  Statewide Longitudinal Data System LEA Grant, Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 – Rural Low Income School Program, Life Skills Parenting Program, Optional Extended Year Program, Prekindergarten Early Start (PKES) Tier 2, Year 2, Special Education, Student Clubs Grant, Cycle 2, and Student Success Initiative Program  (SSI). (TEA, 2012)
Each campus within the Beaumont ISD has a CEIC committee comprised of teachers, administrators, parents, and community members.  This committee needs to work closely with the principal to make sure the budget allows for purchasing and maintaining technology, and the training of teachers to better implement technology within the classroom.  Teachers need to communicate to their committee members as well as their principals any technology needs they foresee on the campus.  
To strengthen the partnership with Lamar University, more research needs to be conducted so to discover the components of the current relationship.  Also, the district needs to research existing relationships between other universities and colleges and school districts.  By conducting this research a model or proposal can be developed to share with Lamar.  Also, by researching existing partnerships, the district can provide supporting data (if it exists) to show improvement in the educational process within local public schools and universities.  
CSCOPE.  (2012).  Retrieved on March 19, 2012 from
Eduphoria! (2012).  School Objects.  Retrieved on March 19, 2012 from
Prologic Technology Systems, Inc. (2012). TEAMS.  Retrieved on March 19, 2012, from
TEA Grant Resources. 2012. Retrieved on March 19, 2012 from
TPESC. (2012). E-rate. Retrieved on March 19, 2012, from:


  1. Having Lamar University as a partner is a great resource. Being able to take advantage of their "used" furniture and equipment helps saves the district a great deal of money. It seems that many university are willing to donate their used furniture and equipment to other entities which can still get some good use out of it. (Buena Vista University, n.d.)

    BVU Donates Used Dorm Furniture to Iowa Non-Profits - Buena Vista University. (n.d.). Buena Vista University. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from

    1. It is a great resource Laura. And I personally have benefitted from some of the furniture and equipment. But I would also like to see other "sharing" going on between the schools. I just need to do some more research on experienced partnerships between school districts and universities. Thank you for your resource that you provided. I will definitely mark that for future use.

  2. Joy,

    More and more districts and business are turning to paperless record keeping methods. In a 2005 Report by Johnston and Spencer, it stated that every dollar invested in going paperless will generate a return of as much as $30. With budget cuts this would be a great savings to school districts. One obstacle that districts may face when attempting to go paperless with report cards and letters to parents is the lack of a home computer. Do you have any suggestions how this obstacle might be overcome? Carol

    1. Carol, I wish I did have a suggestion or idea for that obstacle! We are in a poor district and we have many students who do not have access to a computer outside of school. So because of that we still provide paper report cards and progress reports. One of our administrators is researching using ipads for textbooks and seeking grant possibilities for funding. He wants to upload the students' textbooks to the ipads. They would not need internet access at home to use the textbooks. I wonder if we could incorporate grades with this as well. Perhaps grades could be uploaded to the ipad while students are at school (wi-fi) and parents could view them at home. Of course, you will have to deal with issues such as students losing equipment or equipment being broken. So I am not sure I have an answer at all for you! Can you think of any suggestions for this problem?


  3. References

    Johnston, R. P., & Spencer, R. H. (2005). Time to Go Paperless: Just Preparing for the Switchover Will Save You Money. Journal of Accountancy, 199(6), 44+. Retrieved March 21, 2012, from Questia database:
