Monday, March 19, 2012

Beaumont ISD - Tanya Anderson - week8

1.     Develop strategies for funding.
     The district will continue leasing computers with a four year refresh as well as software licensing agreements in alignment with the state student/computer ratio requirements. Equipment for the network, infrastructure, and printers will be replaced as necessary. Planning will be made for obsolescence of all non-leased equipment.

      The district will continue to make E-Rate applications for technology funding. E-rate is a resource that I was previously unaware of. It provides schools with discounts on technology-related services.  "Based on the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the FCC created the E-Rate program to provide schools and libraries affordable access to advanced telecommunications services. This program provides discounts ranging from 20% to 90% on Telecommunications Services, Internet Access, Internal Connections, and Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections to eligible schools and libraries subject to a $2.25 billion annual cap." (TPESC, n.d.)

     The district will utilize grant writing teams to obtain external funds for technology purchases

      The district will have each campus allocate a percent of their local budget to technology needs, including  professional development.
      District will maintain and support a local and wide area network for voice, video, and data, increasing speed and bandwith to meet increased needs. Currently all district locations are connected to the Central Office with GigaMAN circuits. The Internet connection is a 100Mb Ethernet connection.

 District will maintain network access for all students, teachers and administrative personnel.
      Coordinate hardware and software purchases with curricular and/or administrative needs and certify that the purchases met current infrastructure capability and established standards.

      Evaluate emerging technologies including document cameras, data projectors, class pads, virtual desktops, and a staff laptop initiative.

     District will implement wireless infrastructure at all appropriate facilities.

2. Develop strategies for management plans     Beaumont ISD district utilize TEAMS for teacher and parents to monitor attendance, grades and   
     behavior of the students.  All administrators and teachers use Eduphoria to see how students perform   
     on standardized test and to determine and design lessons basis on the strength and weakness of the    
     student and teachers.  The administrator use Eduphoria to track teacher performance in the classroom.  
     They conduct walk-through assessments and PDAS in Educphoria.  A standardize curriculum is utilize
     to keep students on the same path of learning in any school in the district.  The curriculum use is   
     CSCOPE.  It makes sure that all campuses utilize the same curriculum.
3.       Describe the required procedures for the proposed strategies.

    For E-Rate funding the administration must submit the required information in order to receive the funds.  The submission of grants may proceed and it is up to the grant holding organization as to if the funds will be dispersed.
·       bid all eligible service on SLD website and select most cost effective proposal after minimum of 28 days
·       obtain technology plan approval from TEA
§  plan must have clear goals and realistic strategies for using telecommunication and information technology to improve education or library services
§  include professional development strategies
§  include assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other services needed to improve education and library services
§  provide sufficient budget for acquiring and supporting non-discounted elements of plan
§  include evaluation process to monitor progress and make modifications to plan when new opportunities arise
(TPESC. n.d.)

TEA Grants:  Each grant has different requirements and procedures.  The technology facilitator, with the help of our grant writer, will read through each set of guidelines and due dates to determine if we are eligible (TEA, 2012). 
·       Federal Grants:
o   American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
o   Carl D. Perkins
o   Education Jobs Fund
o   No Child Left Behind
o   School Improvement Program
o   Statewide Longitudinal Data System LEA Grant
o   Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 – Rural Low Income School Program
·       State Grants
o   Life Skills Parenting Program
o   Optional Extended Year Program
o   Prekindergarten Early Start (PKES) Tier 2, Year 2
o   Special Education
o   Student Clubs Grant, Cycle 2
o   Student Success Initiative Program  (SSI)
o   Texas Fitness Now Program

TEA Grant Resources. 2012. Retrieved from
TPESC. (n.d.) E-rate. Retrieved March 18, 2012.  From:


  1. I noticed one of your strategies to acheive the goals within your district include professional development. However, "asking teachers to integrate technology into their instructional designs invariably adds new layers of complexity to the planning process" (Williamson & Redish, 2009). How would you propose your district approach professional development so teachers will want to spend the extra time incorporating it into their classroom instruction?

    Williamson, Jo; Redish, Traci (2009-02-01). ISTE's Technology Facilitation and Leadership Standards: What Every K-12 Leader Should Know and Be Able to Do (Kindle Locations 1165-1166). International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Kindle Edition.

    1. Tanya,
      When you say "A standardized curriculum is utilized to keep students on the same path of learning in any school in the district" How does might a person reconcile this "one-size fits all" learning with the needs of future learners to be authentic problem solvers who are passionate about what they are doing?

    2. Allison,
      when I say "A standardized Curriulum" I mean for example each high school covers the same content. They may use different ways or vehicles to deliver the lesson. This would allow the student to remain o the same path if they transfered to another high school in the district. I would not say that the curriculum is a one size fits all.

    3. Robyn,
      I would proposed that your district offer professional development to teachers during their planning periods, afterschool, and before school. You might allow the instructional specialist on your campus to work with the teachers to design appropriate lesson that incorporate technology.

    4. I would love it if the professional development could happen in real time, during class! My mechanic wants to start the car for himself--instructional specialists should be hands-on with teachers and students. My students should see that I am learning new things too. And it never hurts to have a second person interacting with the students. This would be an excellent way to be trained.
